It’s the 9th of Feb and finally really feels like the new year. We had such a big end to the year in 2015 with moving our studio to Castlemaine, attending Life Instyle for the first time in years, 6 new staff members, many custom design orders and more orders being shipped for Christmas than ever before. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit to being completely exhausted by the end.
Nearly a month spent holidaying in Queensland set me back on track and now I’m fully in work mode again. I’m currently dreaming up new designs and seed types for launching in 2016. The hardest part is always deciding what to do as there are so many beautiful flowers & herbs you can grow from seed and many occasions to celebrate in a year.
Just a short update from me, but I leave you with this lovely quote & image which Melisa shared via instagram @coffeepaperyarn
Cultivating}: a deeper connection with mother nature. ‘A garden is a grand teacher. It teaches patience and careful watchfulness; it teaches industry and thrift; above all it teaches entiretrust.’ ~ Gertrude Jekyll. Gardening has certainly taught me a lot. Thank you @coffeepaperyarn