7 Beautiful Ways to Preserve Your Wedding Bouquet

Your wedding day is a significant milestone in your life, filled with cherished memories and emotions.

One of the most beautiful and symbolic elements of this day is undoubtedly your wedding bouquet.

The flowers you carefully selected to complement your attire and theme hold sentimental value that you’ll want to cherish for years to come.

Luckily, there are several creative ways to preserve your wedding bouquet, allowing you to relive those magical moments whenever you want.

In this blog post, we’ll explore seven unique methods to help you preserve your wedding bouquet and create lasting memories.

How to preserve your wedding flowers

Quick Links: Learn how to preserve your wedding bouquet by clicking on each method below.

  1. Flower Pressing
  2. Resin Encapsulation
  3. Air Drying
  4. Silica Gel
  5. Wax Dipping
  6. Glycerin Bath
  7. Wax Paper and Iron

Flower Pressing

Preserving your wedding flowers using a flower press can be a wonderful way to capture the memories of your special day.

Flower pressing involves carefully drying and flattening the flowers so that they retain their shape, colour, and beauty. It allows you to capture the intricate details of your bouquet’s petals and colours.

These preserved blooms can be framed, incorporated into shadow boxes, resin keepsakes or used to adorn personalised mementos such as bookmarks, coasters, or greeting cards.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you preserve your wedding flowers using a flower press.

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. Fresh flowers from your wedding
  2. Flower press
  3. Blotting paper or parchment paper
  4. Scissors
  5. Tweezers (optional)

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Prepping the Flowers: Remove any excess leaves, thorns, or other unwanted parts from the flowers. Gently wipe away any moisture or dirt that might be on the petals.
  2. Layering the Flowers: Open the flower press and place a piece of blotting paper or parchment paper on each board. Arrange the flowers on one of the boards, making sure they don’t overlap. Place a piece of blotting paper or parchment paper on top of each board of flowers, and then close the flower press and secure it tightly. If you’re pressing thick flowers like roses, find helpful tips here to get the best results.
  3. Drying Period: Leave the flowers in the press for about 2 to 3 weeks. The drying time can vary depending on the types of flowers and the humidity in your environment. Check the flowers periodically to see if they are fully dried.
  4. Removing the Pressed Flowers: Once the flowers are fully dried, carefully open the press. Use tweezers or your fingers to gently remove the pressed flowers from the blotting paper. Be very delicate, as the flowers can be fragile.
  5. Display or Store: You can display your pressed flowers in a shadow box, frame, or create a personalised keepsake. If you’re not ready to display them right away, store the pressed flowers in a dry, cool place away from direct sunlight.

Remember that not all flowers press well, and some may lose some colour or become more translucent during the pressing process. Experiment before your wedding day with some of the flowers you will have in your bouquet to ensure you’re satisfied with the results.

Resin Encapsulation

Preserving your wedding flowers in resin is a beautiful way to create a lasting memory of your special day.

Resin is a material that, when properly used, can encase your flowers in a clear or coloured, glossy finish.

This method showcases the natural beauty of your bouquet while adding a touch of modern sophistication. You can encase individual flowers or even the entire bouquet in resin, turning them into captivating three-dimensional keepsakes such as paper weights, display blocks, serving trays and more.

Follow our step-by-step guide below to learn how to preserve your wedding flowers in resin.

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. Fresh or dried flowers from your wedding
  2. Epoxy resin kit
  3. Epoxy resin colour pigments (optional)
  4. Mixing cups and stir sticks (often included in resin kits)
  5. Silicone moulds or mould release spray (if needed)
  6. Heat gun or a torch for removing air bubbles
  7. Disposable gloves
  8. Safety goggles
  9. Protective work surface
  10. Toothpick or small skewer
  11. Fine sandpaper (optional)
  12. UV lamp (if using UV resin)

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Choose and Prepare Flowers: Select the flowers you want to preserve. Dried flowers work well for resin, but you can also use fresh flowers that have been properly dried and dehydrated or flowers that have been pressed in a flower press. Trim excess stems and leaves to the desired length.
  2. Prepare the Resin: Follow the instructions on your epoxy resin kit for mixing the resin and hardener. Wear gloves and safety goggles for protection. Mix the resin thoroughly according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. Make sure to work in a well-ventilated area.
  3. Prepare the Moulds: If you’re using silicone moulds, make sure they are clean and dry. You can also use mould release spray to help release the resin easily once it’s cured.
  4. Pour a Thin Layer of Resin: Pour a small amount of resin into the mould, just enough to cover the bottom. This will serve as the base layer for your flowers.
  5. Place the Flowers: Gently place the flowers onto the resin, arranging them as you desire. Use a toothpick or small skewer to adjust the position of the flowers if needed.
  6. Remove Air Bubbles: Use a heat gun or a torch to carefully remove air bubbles from the resin. Pass the heat source over the resin surface from a distance to avoid overheating or scorching the flowers. The heat will cause the bubbles to rise and pop.
  7. Pour the Remaining Resin: Carefully pour the remaining resin over the flowers, ensuring that they are completely covered. Be mindful not to overflow the mould. Use a toothpick or skewer to guide the resin and make sure it fills all the spaces.
  8. Remove Air Bubbles Again: After pouring the resin, use the heat gun or torch again to remove any additional air bubbles that may have formed during pouring.
  9. Curing the Resin: Follow the curing time and instructions provided with your resin kit. Resin can take several hours to cure, depending on the type you’re using. If you’re using UV resin, you’ll need a UV lamp to cure the resin layers.
  10. Demoulding and Finishing: Once the resin has fully cured, gently remove the preserved flowers from the moulds. If there are any rough edges or imperfections, you can lightly sand them with fine sandpaper.
  11. Display and Enjoy: Your preserved flowers encased in resin can be displayed on a shelf, turned into a paperweight, or incorporated into various decorative projects.

Remember that working with resin requires careful attention to safety, especially when handling the chemicals and heat sources involved. It’s a good idea to practice on small projects before attempting to preserve your wedding flowers to ensure you achieve the desired results.

Air Drying

Air drying flowers is a simple and cost-effective method to preserve your wedding bouquet. This technique involves removing moisture from the flowers slowly, allowing them to retain their shape and colour.

Once dried, you can create charming, dried flower arrangements, wreaths, or even floral ornaments that can be displayed in your home as a lasting reminder of your special day.

 Learn how easy it is to air dry your wedding bouquet at home using our step-by-step method below.

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. Fresh flowers from your wedding
  2. Rubber bands or twine
  3. Clothes hangers or hooks
  4. Dark, dry, and well-ventilated room
  5. Protective gloves (optional)

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Choose Suitable Flowers: Select flowers that are in their prime and haven’t started wilting. Flowers with thicker petals and sturdy stems tend to dry better than delicate varieties.
  2. Remove Excess Foliage: Trim excess leaves, thorns, and any damaged parts from the flowers. This will help the flowers dry more evenly.
  3. Bundle Flowers Together: Group 4-6 flowers together in a bunch and secure them at the stem ends with rubber bands or twine. Make sure the flowers aren’t tightly bound, as this can cause deformation during drying.
  4. Hang the Bundles Upside Down: Attach the flower bundles to clothes hangers or hooks, hanging them upside down in a dry and dark room. This position encourages the flowers to maintain their shape as they dry.
  5. Choose the Right Location: Select a location that is well-ventilated and free from direct sunlight, as exposure to sunlight can cause the flowers’ colours to fade. A dark room with good airflow is ideal for air drying.
  6. Patience is Key: Allow the flowers to air dry for about 1 to 3 weeks. The drying time can vary depending on the flower type, humidity levels, and the thickness of the petals.
  7. Check for Dryness: Gently touch the petals of a few flowers after a week to check their dryness. If they feel crisp and papery, they are ready. If they still feel slightly soft or pliable, give them more time to dry.
  8. Remove and Display: Once the flowers are fully dried, carefully remove the rubber bands or twine from the stems. Your preserved wedding flowers are now ready to be displayed. You can arrange them in vases, create dried flower arrangements, or use them in various craft projects.

By following these steps and being patient, you can successfully air dry your wedding flowers and create a beautiful keepsake that will remind you of your special day for years to come.

Image by Koch

Silica Gel

Preserving your wedding flowers is an important aspect of keeping the memories of your special day alive.

Using silica gel is an effective method to maintain the beauty and freshness of your wedding flowers. Silica gel is a natural desiccant that absorbs moisture from the flowers, preventing them from wilting and losing their natural appearance.

This method is perfect for brides who want to keep their wedding flowers as a keepsake for years to come.

By following these simple steps, you can preserve your wedding flowers using silica gel and enjoy their beauty for a long time.

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. Fresh flowers from your wedding
  2. Silica gel (available at craft stores or online)
  3. Airtight container with a lid (large enough to accommodate the flowers)
  4. Plastic or wooden trays (optional)
  5. Soft paintbrush
  6. Protective gloves (optional)

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Prepare the Flowers: Choose flowers that are in good condition and at their peak beauty. Remove any excess foliage, thorns, or damaged parts from the flowers. The better the condition of the flowers before preservation, the better the results.
  2. Choose a Suitable Container: Select an airtight container that is large enough to accommodate your flowers without crowding them. The container should have a tight-fitting lid to prevent moisture from entering.
  3. Pour Silica Gel into the Container: Fill the bottom of the container with about an inch of silica gel. The depth of silica gel should be sufficient to support the flowers without letting them touch the sides or bottom of the container.
  4. Position the Flowers: Carefully place the flowers upright in the container, making sure they don’t touch each other or the sides of the container. Gently pour more silica gel over and around the flowers, ensuring they are completely covered.
  5. Add Silica Gel Gradually: If you have delicate flowers with intricate structures, you can use plastic or wooden trays to support the flowers. Place the flowers on the trays and then cover them with silica gel. This prevents damage to fragile petals.
  6. Cover the Flowers: Completely cover the flowers with more silica gel until they are fully submerged. Gently shake the container to help the silica gel settle around the flowers.
  7. Seal the Container: Close the airtight container with the lid. Make sure the container is sealed tightly to prevent humidity from affecting the drying process.
  8. Let the Flowers Dry: Allow the flowers to sit in the silica gel for about 1 to 2 weeks. The drying time will vary based on the size and moisture content of the flowers. You can check their progress by gently touching the petals; they should feel dry and crisp when ready.
  9. Carefully Remove the Flowers: Once the flowers are fully dried, carefully remove them from the silica gel. Use a soft paintbrush to gently brush away any residual silica gel on the petals.
  10. Display and Enjoy: Your preserved wedding flowers are now ready to be displayed. Arrange them in vases, create decorative displays, or use them in craft projects to cherish the memories of your special day.

By following these steps, you can successfully preserve your wedding flowers using silica gel and create a lovely keepsake that captures the beauty of the occasion.

Image by Camille Styles

Wax Dipping

Preserving your wedding flowers using wax is a beautiful way to capture the essence of your special day.

The wax helps to maintain the natural beauty of the flowers while also providing a protective layer that will keep them looking fresh for years to come. By using this technique, you can create a unique and charming keepsake that will be treasured by you and your loved ones.

Not only does the wax preserve the flowers, but it also adds a lovely shine to the petals, making them look even more beautiful. So if you want to keep your wedding flowers looking as fresh and vibrant as the day you said “I do,” follow our step-by-step guide below to preserve them using wax.

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. Fresh flowers from your wedding
  2. Paraffin wax or beeswax
  3. Double boiler or microwave-safe container
  4. Wax paper or newspaper
  5. Wooden skewers or floral picks
  6. Protective gloves
  7. Wire or twine (for hanging)
  8. Optional: Essential oils (for fragrance)

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Prepare the Flowers: Choose flowers that are in good condition, preferably ones with sturdy petals. Remove excess foliage, thorns, and damaged parts from the flowers.
  2. Melt the Wax: If you’re using paraffin wax, melt it in a double boiler over low heat. If you’re using beeswax, you can follow the same process. Alternatively, you can melt the wax in a microwave-safe container in short intervals, stirring between each interval until the wax is completely melted.
  3. Dip the Flowers: Holding the flowers by their stems, carefully dip them into the melted wax. Submerge the flowers completely, ensuring that all parts are coated with wax. You can also use a wooden skewer or floral pick to help dip and handle the flowers.
  4. Allow Excess Wax to Drip: After dipping, hold the flower over the wax container to allow any excess wax to drip off. This prevents excessive buildup and creates a more even finish.
  5. Place on Wax Paper or Newspaper: Gently place the wax-coated flowers on a sheet of wax paper. Allow them to cool and the wax to solidify. The wax will create a protective layer around the petals.
  6. Optional Fragrance: If desired, you can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the melted wax before dipping the flowers. This will give the preserved flowers a pleasant fragrance.
  7. Hanging to Dry: Once the wax has cooled and solidified, you can hang the preserved flowers upside down to ensure they maintain their shape while drying. Use wire or twine to hang them in a cool, dry area with good airflow.
  8. Display and Enjoy: After the flowers have fully dried, you can arrange them in vases, create decorative displays, or incorporate them into various craft projects. The wax-coated flowers should maintain their appearance for a long time.


  • Be cautious when working with hot wax to avoid burns. Wear protective gloves and work in a well-ventilated area.
  • Experiment with different dipping techniques to achieve the desired wax coverage and texture on the flowers.
  • Some flowers with delicate petals might not be suitable for wax preservation, as the wax can weigh them down or alter their appearance.
  • Wax-preserved flowers are relatively fragile, so handle them gently to avoid damage.

By following these steps, you can create wax-preserved wedding flowers that capture the essence of your special day and add a unique touch to your keepsakes.

Glycerin Bath

Preserving your wedding flowers in a glycerin bath is a method that allows the flowers to retain their natural texture and flexibility while adding moisture to prevent them from becoming brittle.

Glycerin is a natural substance that is often used in the floral industry for preserving flowers. After treatment, flowers can last between 6 to 12 months, sometimes even longer.

If you’re only interested in short term flower preservation, then follow our step-by-step guide below on how to preserve your wedding flowers using a glycerin bath.

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. Fresh flowers from your wedding
  2. Glycerin (available at craft stores or online)
  3. Warm water
  4. Container large enough to fit the flowers
  5. Pruning shears or scissors
  6. Protective gloves (optional)
  7. Heavy object or weights (optional)

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Prepare the Flowers: Choose flowers that are in good condition and at their peak beauty. Remove any excess leaves, thorns, or damaged parts from the flowers.
  2. Mix the Glycerin Solution: Mix a solution of one part glycerin to two parts warm water. The warm water helps the glycerin dissolve more easily.
  3. Cut the Stems: Trim the stems of the flowers at an angle with pruning shears or scissors. Cutting the stems at an angle allows for better water absorption.
  4. Prepare the Container: Fill a container with the glycerin solution. The container should be large enough to fully submerge the flowers without crowding them.
  5. Submerge the Flowers: Carefully place the trimmed flowers in the glycerin solution. Make sure the stems are fully submerged and that the flowers aren’t touching each other or the sides of the container.
  6. Optional: Add Weights: If the flowers tend to float, you can place a heavy object or weights on top of the flowers to keep them submerged in the glycerin solution. This ensures that the entire flower absorbs the glycerin.
  7. Allow Absorption: Place the container in a cool, dark place and let the flowers absorb the glycerin solution. This process can take about 1 to 2 weeks, depending on the flower type and size.
  8. Monitor the Progress: Check the flowers regularly to see if they have absorbed enough glycerin. The petals should feel flexible and slightly leathery when gently squeezed.
  9. Remove and Drain: Once the flowers have absorbed enough glycerin, carefully remove them from the solution. Allow excess solution to drip off the stems for a few hours.
  10. Air Dry: After draining, place the flowers on a clean surface to air dry for a day or two. This helps any remaining excess glycerin evaporate.
  11. Display and Enjoy: Your preserved wedding flowers are now ready to be displayed. Arrange them in vases, create decorative displays, or incorporate them into various craft projects.


  • Glycerin-preserved flowers can be slightly heavier than fresh flowers, so keep that in mind when arranging them.
  • Some flowers might absorb glycerin at different rates, so it’s a good idea to preserve similar flowers together.
  • Experiment with different flower types to find out which ones work best with the glycerin preservation method.
  • The preserved flowers may have a slightly darker hue compared to their original colours.

By following these steps, you can successfully preserve your wedding flowers in a glycerin bath and create a lovely keepsake that captures the beauty of your special day.

Wax Paper and Iron

Preserving wedding flowers using the Wax Paper and Iron method is a simple and cost-effective way to save your beautiful blooms as keepsakes.

Follow the instructions below to learn how you can preserve your wedding bouquet using this technique.

Materials Needed:

  1. Fresh flowers
  2. Wax paper
  3. Iron
  4. Heavy book or flat surface
  5. Scissors or pruning shears
  6. Optional: silica gel or borax (for enhanced preservation)


  1. Harvest Flowers: Choose flowers that are at their peak freshness and beauty. It’s best to do this shortly before or after the wedding to ensure the flowers are in their best condition.
  2. Prepare Flowers: Trim the stems of the flowers to your desired length using scissors or pruning shears. Remove any excess leaves or thorns.
  3. Flatten and Arrange: Lay a sheet of wax paper on a flat surface, such as an ironing board or a table. Arrange the flowers on the wax paper in the way you’d like them to be preserved. Make sure to leave enough space between the flowers so they don’t overlap too much.
  4. Add Optional Preservation Agents: If you want to enhance the preservation process, you can sprinkle a thin layer of silica gel or borax around and between the flowers. These materials help to absorb moisture and maintain the shape of the flowers during the drying process.
  5. Cover with Another Sheet of Wax Paper: Once the flowers are arranged, carefully place another sheet of wax paper over the top of the flowers, creating a “sandwich” with the flowers in between the two sheets of wax paper.
  6. Preheat the Iron: Preheat your iron to a low setting, without steam. The goal is to gently melt the wax between the sheets of paper without overheating the flowers.
  7. Iron the Flowers: Gently iron the wax paper sandwich with the iron set to low heat. Start with light pressure and gradually increase if needed. Move the iron in slow, circular motions, ensuring even heat distribution. Be careful not to press too hard or keep the iron in one place for too long, as this could cause the flowers to scorch.
  8. Check Progress: Lift a corner of the top sheet of wax paper to check the progress. The flowers should feel dry and slightly flattened. If they are not fully dry, continue ironing for short intervals, checking regularly.
  9. Cool and Flatten: Once the flowers are dry and flattened to your satisfaction, remove the wax paper sheets. Place the pressed flowers between the pages of a heavy book or under a weighted object for a day or two to help them retain their shape as they cool.
  10. Display or Store: After the pressed flowers have cooled and are fully dry, you can use them for various crafts, displays, or simply store them in a dry, cool place to preserve their beauty.

Keep in mind that not all flowers preserve equally well using this method. Some flowers may work better than others, so it’s a good idea to experiment with a few blooms before pressing your entire bouquet.

Other Fun Ways to Preserve Your Wedding Bouquet

Turn Flowers into Jewellery: Transforming your wedding bouquet into wearable jewellery is a unique and intimate way to preserve its essence. Choose to encapsulate tiny flower petals in resin or pressed flower pendants, bracelets, or even rings. Not only will you carry a piece of your wedding day with you, but you’ll also have a conversation starter as you share the story behind your exquisite floral accessory.

Create Scented Sachets: Scent is a powerful trigger of memories. Preserve your wedding bouquet by creating scented sachets with dried flower petals. Place these sachets in your drawers, closets, or even beneath your pillow to evoke the scents and feelings of your special day whenever you encounter them.

Frame a Shadow Box: A shadow box is a charming way to display your preserved wedding bouquet alongside other memorabilia such as invitation cards, photographs, and small trinkets from your wedding day. This layered presentation not only preserves the beauty of your bouquet but also provides a visual representation of your love story.

Turn Flowers into Potpourri or Candles: Infuse your living spaces with the fragrance of your wedding bouquet by making potpourri or scented candles. Dried flower petals can be mixed with essential oils, herbs, and spices to create unique blends that capture the essence of your wedding day.

Tips for Preserving Your Wedding Bouquet

Preserving flowers is a wonderful way to extend their beauty and sentimental value. If you intend to preserve your wedding bouquet after the big day, we recommend reading our top tips below to help you preserve them effectively. From choosing the right flowers to experimenting with different methods before your wedding, our top tips will help you get the best results so you can enjoy your wedding bouquet for years to come.

Choose the Right Flowers: Some flowers naturally preserve better than others. Roses, baby’s breath, lavender and some Australian natives are known to dry well, while delicate and moisture-sensitive flowers like orchids may not fare as well in preservation. If you intend to preserve your bouquet, inform your florist in advance. They can help you choose flowers that are better suited for preservation.

Timing is Key: Begin the preservation process as soon as possible after the flowers have reached their peak. The fresher the flowers, the better the results.

Disassemble the Bouquet: If your bouquet is too large or has complex arrangements, consider disassembling it into smaller clusters of flowers. This can help with even drying and preservation.

Test Different Methods: Remember that different methods work better for different types of flowers and desired outcomes. Experiment before your wedding and choose the method that suits your preferences and the result you’re aiming for.

Tips for Maintaining Dried Unencapsulated Flowers

If you haven’t used a method to encapsulate your flowers, once your flowers are preserved, we recommend following the below tip to maintain their condition and extend their life.

Keep Them Dry: Once your flowers are preserved, ensure they are kept away from high humidity, direct sunlight, and moisture to prevent deterioration.

Avoid Touching: Preserved flowers are delicate and can be easily damaged. Handle them gently and avoid excessive touching.

Sealing Spray: After the flowers are dried, apply a clear floral spray sealant to protect the flowers from moisture and dust. This can help maintain their appearance.

Handle with Care: When working with dried flowers, be gentle to avoid breaking delicate petals and stems.

Preserve the Colour: Keep the bouquet away from direct sunlight and fluorescent lighting, as these can cause colours to fade over time.

Regular Maintenance: Dust the preserved bouquet gently using a soft brush or compressed air. This will help keep it looking fresh.

Display: Once preserved, you can display your bouquet in a shadow box, frame, or glass dome. Choose a location away from direct sunlight and humidity.

Gifts to Grow

Embedded and inspired by nature, Sow ’n Sow believe in purposeful gifting that doesn’t cost the planet.

From a small seed of an idea, Sow ’n Sow was dreamt up by founder Michelle Brady combining her love of gardening and flair for design in 2010.


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