Sow ‘n Sow Airiums at Spacecraft!

I am very excited to share some insight into the other things I’ve been working on as part of the Sow ‘n Sow product range.

Whilst the Gifts of Seeds are by no means done and dusted (three new ones will be available in just over a week!) I always had plans to develop other innovative plant based gifts and I’ve been playing around with Terrariums and Airiums for a while now. My poor friends have suffered birthday gifts of the ‘product development’ kind for the past few months in the form of notquitethereyet jars full of mosses and ferns.

Then I met Stewart Russell, the artist, designer and owner of Spacecraft who creates a beautiful range of screen printed bed linen, furniture, clothing and artwork at their awesome North Melbourne studio for the 2 Spacecraft stores on Gertrude Street Fitzroy and Malvern Road Hawksburn.

I met Stewart and his wife Donna to discuss ways we could ‘green up’ the Hawksburn store by incorporating more living plants which was a part of their vision for the store. Before long I was in-store making a big mess with bags of potting mix and plants, setting up some lovely planter boxes for a window display which complimented the Sow ‘n Sow Gifts of Seeds  (now stocked at both stores).

But we wanted to get a bit more creative than that and after talking about my air plant ideas I was given a good reason to fully develop the concept, as Donna and Stewart loved the sound of them and wanted me to make some up for the store.

So, I have just delivered a trial run of 7 Airiums to the Hawksburn store. They consist of Tillandsias (living air plants) with lichens and mosses collected on weekend walks in the bush. A little living world inside a glass globe to enchant and inspire those peeking through the glass.

At this stage they are only available at Spacecraft Hawksburn for so get in quickly if you want one, there are only 7 for the time being!

Many thanks to Stewart and Donna for making this happen, and Vicky the Hawksburn store manager for her beautiful displays and good chats!

Gifts to Grow

Embedded and inspired by nature, Sow ’n Sow believe in purposeful gifting that doesn’t cost the planet.

From a small seed of an idea, Sow ’n Sow was dreamt up by founder Michelle Brady combining her love of gardening and flair for design in 2010.


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