Learn how to make a pressed edible flower cake

If you own a flower press, you may use it for creating all kinds of beautiful items from adorning homemade cards to decorating your home, but have you ever thought to add your pressed creations to a cake? Learn how to make a pressed edible flower cake so you can spoil a loved one with this delicious work of art!

Learn how to make a pressed edible flower cake

Learn how to make a pressed edible flower cake

Type of flowers to use

When adorning a cake with flowers, be sure to only use organically grown edible flowers. There are many edible flower varieties you can try, be we recommend Nasturtiums, Violas, and Cornflowers as they press well and retain their colour.

Pressing flowers takes a few weeks, so plan the cake decoration in advance.  For best results when pressing flowers, use a flower press and avoid flowers with big thick cores such as roses as these won’t flatten well. You can cut thicker flowers up into sections, or even just press the petals on their own. Learn more about pressing flowers here.

Press a combination of petals, flower heads and flowers with their stem attached. Using a variety of pressed flowers and foliage will create an aesthetically beautiful cake.


Learn how to make a pressed edible flower cake

Learn how to make a pressed edible flower cake

Type of cake to bake

There is no rule as to the type of cake you should make, in fact, any type of cake looks beautiful when decorated with flowers, however before baking your cake, consider the height and shape of the cake. If you can make a tall or tiered cake you will be able to decorate the sides as well as the top of the cake whereas a short cake will only give you the top surface to decorate.

Learn how to make a pressed edible flower cake
Image by Blushing Cook

Type of icing to make

Only add pressed flowers to your cake before you’re ready to serve it. As pressed flowers are dried out, any moisture they absorb will make them soft again.

If you only want to add pressed flowers to the top of your cake then any icing will be fine to use, however if you want to decorate the sides of your cake then it’s best to use buttercream icing as it’s soft enough to hold the pressed flowers in place.

When adding pressed flowers to your cake, if some flowers aren’t holding well, gently press a wooden toothpick into a section of the flower and then push the toothpick into the cake.

Image credit: Blushing Cook. View more creations here.

How to grow and brew tea at home

Gifts to Grow

Embedded and inspired by nature, Sow ’n Sow believe in purposeful gifting that doesn’t cost the planet.

From a small seed of an idea, Sow ’n Sow was dreamt up by founder Michelle Brady combining her love of gardening and flair for design in 2010.


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